Summer Stages & Summer Junior Stages Rallies – Final Instructions

Summer Stages & Summer Junior Stages Rallies – Final Instructions

Final Instructions

Thank you for your entry to the Summer Stages, we look forward to welcoming you all on the day. Once again the response has been brilliant, so the stage is set for another big day out at Crail. A few things to tell you, including a few changes from recent events, so sit up and pay attention…..

Summer Final Instructions b

Start time

We are now starting first car at 8am, a change from the initial schedule, so please plan your scrutineering, travelling, accommodation and socialising accordingly.



15:00 Friday 12th June        Scrutineering and signing on opens (seniors only)

20:00 Friday 12th June        Scrutineering and signing on closes (seniors only)

07:00 Saturday 13th June  Scrutineering and signing reopen (seniors only)

08:00 Saturday 13th June  First Senior Car Starts

08:30 Saturday 13th June  Scrutineering and signing reopen (juniors only)

10:15 Saturday 13th June (est)     First Junior Car Starts



Seeding will be published online by Tuesday evening. Start times will be on the official notice board. Junior start times are subject to the Senior rally running to time, they may be adjusted forwards or backwards.



If you cannot make the event for any reason and wish to withdraw your entry, contact Gordon on 07802 551297 or  You will get a full entry refund if we can fill your place. The combined entry will not exceed 100, so we cannot sneak in any extras, but we will endeavour to get 100 cars starting.



We will be policing and enforcing refueling arrangements. The refueling area has moved, it is now clearly marked at the north east of the service area (bring a compass). Only vehicles refueling and the minimum number of personnel should enter the area. Refueling elsewhere carries an exclusion penalty. Can the person who stole the extinguishers from November’s refuel area please return them this time.


Friday Scrutineering and Signing On

Scrutineering, noise and signing-on are available from 3pm to 8pm on Friday, at the FCE Group, Banbeath Place, Leven, KY8 5HD. Map ref NO 370015 Landranger sheet 59. Please use this slot if at all possible. Contact Willie Greig to book your scrutineering time, contact 07703 436023 (mobile) 01337 831952(home). See attached for directions.

There are companies trying to earn a living in the same industrial estate, please be sympathetic to them and park with courtesy. No juniors will be scrutineered on Friday. All senior competitors are encouraged to attend on Friday, in particular the top 50 seeds.


Saturday Morning

Please be on your best behaviour travelling to the venue, in particular driving through Crail and the East Neuk villages. Expect a high police presence. Signing on and scrutineering are in the hangar at Crail. Please park in the signed area (note the Juniors have a marked out section, no grown ups allowed) and keep the stage access and refueling area clear. Stage 1 starts from the opposite end from normal, so that area will be crowded in the morning. Stage reconnaissance is permitted on foot or by pedal cycle but this must be complete before the crew briefing (07:30).


Numbers and Stickers

Numbers will be provided at signing on. Glenrothes members will also be supplied with car stickers which should be attached to each side of the car.


Service Area

Maximum speed limit in the service area is 10mph. Grass areas can be used for parking but no wheel spinning. After

8am vehicles entering the airfield will be subject to a per car charge.  No exceptions. Competing cars cannot leave the venue to warm brakes or tyres; penalty is exclusion and paying to get back in.  No quad bikes, go-peds, mopeds etc allowed, leave them at home.



Drivers will be liable for the £350 excess for any 3rd party damage (fences etc).



One member of every crew must attend the briefing, held outside the hangar at 07:30.



Rally HQ is the hangar, results will be published from the results cabin. The interior of the cabin is out of bounds to all persons other that signed on officials. The notice board will be in the hangar.


Changes to Regulations

The permit for the Summer Stages is now increased to 95 cars, subject to the entry for both rallies not exceeding 100. By signing on you are agreeing to this change. Note the scheduled timings are different to the Regs. Changes/additions to officials:

Documentation:          Beth Ness, Trix Grant

MSA Steward:                    George Hay

Competitor Liaision:                     Ian Forgan

Stage Changeover:     Kevin Thomson



Black bin liners will be issued with the start pack. Put your rubbish in the bag, and put it in a bin or take it away with you. Especially, do NOT leave empty fuel containers or cans of used oil; take them away with you. Service on a groundsheet, and clear up any spills of oil or other fluids. Competitors are held responsible for the actions of their service crews, and may be penalised, up to and including exclusion.


Friday Night: You may stay on the airfield – a charge will be levied by the landowner for anything left overnight.


Stopped in Stage

Usual SOS/OK board and warning triangle rules apply. If a stage has finished and you are still in stage, you cannot move your car unless specifically instructed by an official or marshal, even if your car miraculously works again. This is particularly relevant if the Juniors are running or about to run. Do not work on your car in a dangerous position.          

If in doubt, don’t move!  Stand well clear of competing cars if you become a spectator.



Recovery will take place after Senior stage 4 and at the end of the rally. Other recovery may also be possible, however we will not delay the start of subsequent stages to allow recovery. Please note that if you wish to enter the Trophy(less) Rally, you will need to be re-scrutineered, so contact Rally HQ.


Out of Bounds Areas

Some areas of the airfield, including all buildings other than in use by rally personnel, are out of bounds. Any unauthorized people found in these areas will cause the associated crew to be excluded. There are clearly marked spectator areas. Competitors, service crews and spectators must stay off the crops, and must also keep off the bales and fences. Competitors may be penalised for the actions of service crews, friends, etc.



The burger van will give priority to serving marshals before competitors and service crews. Please be patient, they have been standing out in the cold while you have been sitting in your nice cosy car.


Missing Details

If you left blank spaces on your entry form – like co-driver name and address, next of kin name and address and contact details – please take a couple of minutes and email the missing bits to That will save holding up a hundred people behind you in the signing-on queue on Saturday morning.


Tyre Vans

Will be in attendance, but check with your favoured supplier to see if they will be taking what you need.


Finally, thank you for your entry. Have a safe and enjoyable rally.  Be super nice to the marshals who’ve given up a Saturday so you can have a play. We are having a marshals draw, any prizes handed in at signing on will be added to the draw, what will you bring?



Go to or and type the postcode KY8 5HD

Don’t use MultiMap, which gets it wrong and puts that postcode several miles away in Cupar.


From the Forth Bridge leave M90 at J2a and take A92 towards Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes for 10 miles

Follow the A92 dual carriageway past Kirkcaldy West exit then at the Kirkcaldy East exit, take the third exit onto the A921. After 0.7 miles turn left on the A915 towards Leven for 7 miles. Entering Leven go through two roundabouts, The Diageo plant will be on your left  then turn left at traffic lights into Kennoway Road (traveling northish) , then second left into Banbeath Place, follow arrows.

From Tay Bridge, follow A92 for 24 miles to Glenrothes.

In Glenrothes, go straight on at first roundabout then under footbridge and turn left at roundabout onto A911 towards Leven for 4.2 miles.

At next roundabout take second exit A915 towards Leven for 1.6 miles.



In Leven, go through two roundabouts, Diageo plant on your left, turn left at traffic lights into Kennoway Road, second  left into Banbeath Place (arrows).



  • From Perth, leave M90 at J9 Bridge of Earn turning left onto A912, at the Bien Inn turn left still on A912 to Gateside.
  • In Gateside turn left onto A91 for 2 miles,
  • then turn right onto A912 through Strathmiglo and Falkland. At roundabout, turn right (3rd exit) onto A92.
  • In Glenrothes, go straight on at first roundabout then under footbridge and turn left at roundabout onto A911 towards Leven for 4.2 miles.
  • At next roundabout take second exit A915 towards Leven for 1.6 miles.
  • In Leven, go through two roundabouts Diageo plant on your left, turn left at traffic lights into Kennoway Road, second left into Banbeath Place (arrows).


Crail is further East…..


Servicing etc ….


Service Area Risk Management

Entrants, competitors and service crew members should be aware of their own and other people’s safety and well

being, when competing in motor sport.

1. All entrants should have an environmental ground-sheet in place before work commences on the vehicle.

2. All service vehicles should have an environmental spill-kit, for use in the event of liquid spillage. (Competing cars should also carry such a kit.)

3. Fire extinguishers should be readily available at all times when vehicles are to be worked on, particularly in the event of any welding or grinding being carried out and when vehicles are being refuelled.

4. Vehicles should be supported by axle stands, chassis sill stands or ramps, all with recommended base plates, when raised in the air by trolley or any other types of jack. Engines should not be run when the vehicle is raised on stands. No other work on the car should be attempted, when raising or lowering of the car is taking place.

5. If re-fuelling is permitted in the Service Area, this should be the last operation to be carried out before the vehicles leave. The vehicle should be off any support stands, have all four wheels on the ground, have all other work ceased and have no occupants, when re-fuelling commences. Ideally re-fuelling should be by hand pumping, rather than from hand held containers.

6. Spillage of any liquid should be contained immediately by the crew concerned.


A) Storage & Use of Petroleum Spirit

1. Containers should comply with the relevant British Standard, should be marked “Petroleum Spirit-Highly Flammable”

and be kept from any source of ignition.

2. All empty containers should be removed from the venue after the event.

3. Petrol is to be used as fuel only, not for any other purpose.

4. All vehicle re-fuelling is to take place in the open air. A “No Smoking” area should be enforced and an operative should be on standby with a fire extinguisher.

5. Refuelling operatives, including those standing by with fire extinguishers, should ensure they are wearing protective clothing, including gloves and eye protection.


B) Hazardous Substances

1. Some vehicle parts, for example brake & clutch linings, contain asbestos. Competitors are encouraged to use non- asbestos substitutes where possible. Where asbestos is used, every effort should be made to prevent dust being released.

2. Some mineral oils may cause skin cancers. Where contact does occur, contamination should be washed off immediately. The wearing of any contaminated clothing should be avoided.

3. Other substances may cause ill health. Suppliers will have information about the possible effects of their products, on request.


C) Electrical Safety

1. All electrical equipment should be maintained in a safe condition.

2. Extension leads & cables should be neoprene, oil resistant flexible cable.

3. All electrical equipment used externally should be weatherproof and tools should be “double” or “all insulated”

against electric shock.

4. Electrical equipment and hand tools should not be used where flammable vapours are present.


D) Fire Precautions

1. All competition and service vehicles should carry a suitable fire extinguisher.

2. Special consideration should be made before lighting any cooking appliance.

3. All sources of ignition should be kept away from any fuel store or re-fuelling area.

4. Fire extinguishers should not be moved from their known location, other than when in use.

5. In the event of any fire, a report should be made to the organisers of the event before leaving the venue.

6. All entrants are encouraged to train their personnel in correct fire prevention and treatment procedures.


E) Compressed Air Equipment

1. Air blasts from over inflated tyres can cause severe injury. Tyres should not be inflated above manufacturers recommendation figures.

2. Always stand clear when inflating tyres.

3. Compressors & air lines should be inspected regularly.

4. Compressed air cylinders should be stored and used to suppliers recommendations.


F) General Working Practices

1. All working areas should be kept clean & tidy. All waste & spillage should be cleared up immediately, removed by the entrant at the end of the event and disposed of in a responsible manner.

2. Trailing cables & hoses should not be allowed to create a trip hazard and should not be run across access or roadways.

3. Whenever vehicle engines are being run, adequate ventilation must be in place.

4. All safety notices should be complied with.

5. Any personnel carrying out work should ensure that they adopt safe working practices at all times.

6. Service crews and competitors need to be aware of the long periods of exposure to cold, wet or heat, experienced while on location in service areas and dress accordingly.

7. Children under 16 years of age are to be closely supervised and should not leave your designated area unaccompanied. They are children and as such are your responsibility!!


G) Noise

1. Exposure to excessive noise may result in hearing loss, or other complaints. These may be short term, or after prolonged exposure, permanent.

2. Where exposure to noise is unavoidable, ear defenders should be worn.


H) Manual Handling

1. Lifting, carrying and propelling of loads by bodily force is a major cause of industrial injuries. All entrants are encouraged to train their personnel in safe manual handling techniques.


I) Waste

1. Entrants should remove all waste from the venue, including containers, packaging, tyres, oils etc. They must be disposed of it in a responsible manner.


J) Vehicle Safety

1. A 10 mph speed limit should be observed at all times in a Service Area, other than for Emergency Vehicles which may be attending an incident.

2. There may be pedestrians in Service Areas. Special care must be taken in these circumstances, to avoid collisions.

3. The unauthorised use of mopeds, motorcycles, scooters, go-peds, quads etc. is forbidden in Service Areas.

4. Vehicles may only be driven by persons holding valid driving licences for that class of vehicle.


K) First Aid

1. Any person sustaining injury or illness, should seek treatment from the event emergency services, by initially reporting to the Senior Official in charge of the Service Area, who will ensure the appropriate response.


L) Public Safety

1. Entrants and their associated personnel should act in a manner so as not to put either themselves or any other person at risk of injury.


M) Reporting of Accidents & Incidents

1. All accidents where any person sustains injury, or where damage to property occurs, should be reported immediately to the Senior Official in charge of the Service Area.


N) Further Regulations and Information

1. Entrants are reminded of their obligations to comply with the requirements of the appropriate sporting regulations at all times. These Guidance Notes should be read in conjunction with all relevant regulations.

The MSA Rallies Committee are indebted to the following for assistance in the compilation of this paper:- The Rallye Sunseeker & Southern Car Club.

Neil Roden – Safety Officer of the Rallye Sunseeker.

Peter Clingan – MSA Environmental Scrutineer of Dumfries.

John Arnold – Hon. Secretary. Association of West Midlands Car Clubs


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