We are delighted to be organising the Memorial Stages Rally at Condor Base, Arbroath on 15th April.  This is a round of the J1000 Ecosse Rally Championship and Border Challenge.  Entries open on Sunday 12th at 19:00 and we are taking online entries only.  Please enter via the link below.  Note we require details of your vehicles and crew

Marshals are very welcome (this is a no-spectator venue) so if you can help please contact Stuart on


Saturday 15th April 2017

51 miles of Tarmac Stages
Condor Arbroath

Supplementary Regulations

1 Announcement

Glenrothes Motor Sport Club Limited will organise a National B Permit single venue Rally, The Memorial Garden Stages Rally on Saturday 15th April 2017 at RM Condor.


2 Jurisdiction

The meeting will be governed by the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association Ltd (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA), these supplementary regulations and any written instructions that the organising Club may issue for the Event.


3 Authorisation

MSA Permit 99433.


4 Eligibility

The Event is open to members of the Clubs belonging to SACC, BAMA (British Army Motorsports Association) and the Royal Navy Royal Marines MSA.

All Competitors must produce a valid 2017 Competition Licence and Club membership card. GMSC membership can be obtained for £10. Drivers require a Stage Rally National B licence, or Stage Rally National A licence, or Rally International licence.

Navigators require a National B licence or higher. Clubman licences are not acceptable. Drivers’ licences cannot be applied for on the day – nor can existing licences be upgraded on the day.

Applications for Navigators’ licences must be accompanied by a passport photo and a fully completed application form with credit card details or a cheque made payable to the MOTOR SPORTS ASSOCIATION Ltd., A licence application form can be downloaded at


5 Venue

This is an active military base and we are fortunate to have been allowed access. The event is effectively a “lock in” and we will need to know every person in the venue. Every crew member must carry photo ID. There will be only certain times of the day when the venue can be entered or exited. Full details will be in final instructions.


6 Championships

The event is a round of the Border Rally Challenge.


7 Programme

Entries Open: On Sunday 12th March at 19:00
Entries Close: 20:00 on Sunday 2nd April 2017
Final Instructions issued on Monday 10th April 2017
Scrutineering and Documentation opens : Friday 14th April times TBA Saturday 15th April times TBA
First Car Starts 09:20

Any competitor not signed on by one hour before their scheduled start time may be deemed a non-starter and their competition number may be allocated to a reserve.


8 Route

The event will consist of 6 stages of approximately 51 miles, on the runways and perimeter roads within RM Condor, Arbroath. These stages will be timed to an accuracy of less than 1 minute. The stages are a mix of tarmac and concrete with some unmetalled sections. Route definition will be by detailed sketch maps. Cars will start at 30 second intervals. Route features will be formed by a mixture of straw bales, tyres and other barriers. Crews are not allowed to walk or cycle the stages prior or during the event unless authorised by a named official and assisting with the running of the event.


9 Vehicles

All vehicles must comply with MSA Technical Regulations. Special Stage Rally Log Books/Passports are required, and must be presented at Scrutineering. A tax disc is not required for this event. MOT certificates may be inspected. Off road, gravel, M&S and similar tyres are prohibited.


10 Classes

The event will consist of three classes as follows:
Class 1: Front Wheel Drive
Class 2: Rear Wheel Drive
Class 3: Four Wheel Drive


11 Awards

Awards will be presented as follows:
1st Overall: Driver and Navigator
2nd Overall: Driver and Navigator
3rd Overall: Driver and Navigator
1st and 2nd in Class: Driver and Navigator
1st, 2nd and 3rd Overall are not eligible for Class Awards.


12 Entries

The entry list opens on publication of these Regulations and closes at 20:00 on Sunday 2nd April 2017. The Entry Fee is £225. Entry is by online application only, the entry link will be on Entries must be accompanied by payment of the entry fee. The initial entry list will not be published until at least 48 hours after entries open, which will list only those who have fully completed their entry and paid the entry fee.

Payment can be made by direct bank transfer to Sort Code : 80 16 84
Account number : 0060 2954
Account Name “Glenrothes Motor Sport Club” with the drivers name quoted as a reference,

or by Paypal – payments to If you are making payment and there is any chance of confusion who the payment is from (e.g. paying via company or sponsor, using girlfriend’s Paypal, paying at a bank counter etc. you MUST email with details.

Cheque payments or payments at signing on are not accepted.

Late entries cannot be accepted. The maximum entry for the event is 50, the combined (with Junior Rally) entry, is 60. The minimum is 40. A reserve list will be maintained. The minimum for each Class is 6. Should any of the above minimum figures not be reached, the Organisers have the right to either cancel the meeting or amalgamate classes as necessary. Entries will be selected in order of receipt of full payment. Entry fees will be refunded in full if withdrawal is notified to the Entries Secretary by the closing date, or with a deduction of £25 up to the day of the event to cover administration costs. A reserve list will be maintained if the event is oversubscribed.


13 Seeding

The order of starting will be at the organisers’ discretion, based on competitors’ previous results as declared on the entry form. Spot checks will be carried out but the event’s organisers will not attempt to fill in blanks. Once the entry list has been published, no correspondence will be entered into regarding the starting order. Any competitor found to have supplied false information concerning previous results on the entry form may be excluded and their entry fee forfeited. Blank seeding information will be regarded as an incomplete entry form unless the driver has not completed a rally since 2012.

14 Officials
Clerk of the Course Tom Matthews Chief Scrutineer Willie Greig
Deputy C of C Robert Ness Scrutineers TBA
Assistant C of C Secretary Gordon Milne
Environment Scrut Linda Hay Entries Secretary Gordon Milne
Comp. Liaison Richard Crozier Event Safety Officer Ron Cowan
Radio Co-ordinator Craig Webster Results Officer Raymond Mann
Chief T/Keeper Stan Thorogood Chief Medical Officer Ellie Plant
Stage Changeover TBA Stage Commander Matt Reid
MSA Steward TBA Chief Marshal Stuart Millar
Club Stewards Bill Creevy Documentation Bianca Ness  Graham Murray
Asst Secretary Sam Ollis Rescue SMMC
Recovery John MacFarlane Graham Rieu-Clarke
Child Protection Officer Rhona Dickie  



15 Results

Provisional Results will be published as soon as possible after the event, at the Results Officer’s location. Awards will be presented when Results are finalised.


16 Protests

Any protest must be lodged in accordance with C.5


17 Documentation

Competitors will be emailed sketch maps for printing, and time cards will be supplied at signing on. These documents will provide all necessary information to enable competitors to comply with MSA Regulations.


18 Identification

Competitors will be identified by competition numbers of MSA specified size and type on both sides of the vehicle. Normal door numbers will be used and they will be supplied by the organisers at signing on.


19 Stage Starts

Stage starts will be in order of arrival at the previous main control.


20 Juniors

As part of the MSA requirements/regulations Junior competitors must run on the stages by themselves, i.e. there must not be any cars from the main part of the event on the stage at the same time as the Junior. If you have stopped on stage for any reason and the juniors have started YOU MUST NOT MOVE TILL THEY HAVE FINISHED THEIR TWO RUNS THROUGH THE STAGE. (Junior runners will be denoted by running number J1 upwards.) PENALTY FOR DISOBEYING THIS INSTRUCTION WILL BE EXCLUSION FROM THE EVENT.


21 Penalties

Marking and penalties will be as printed in the appropriate section of the MSA General Regulations, except as modified below (R Chart 32.2)
(c) Not performing a stage correctly:
Taking a wrong route: Stage Maximum.
Driving on grass or crops: up to Stage Maximum.
Moving a board, bale or other stage furniture; 10 seconds.
Destruction of junction or chicane:
1st Offence: Stage Maximum
2nd Offence: EXCLUSION
(m) Damaged or ineffective silencer system:
1st Offence: Stage Maximum
2nd Offence: Immediate exclusion from the event.
(p and R25.6.2) Driving in the reverse direction:
Immediate exclusion from the event.
(r) Not complying with a reasonable instruction by an official:
1st Offence: 10 minutes.
2nd Offence: Immediate exclusion from the event.



All other General Regulations of the MSA apply as written except for the following which are modified:
R29.1.7 Stages will be identified by detailed sketch maps.
R24.7, R24.8 All named officials, start and finish Marshals, radio crews and marshals at splits and elsewhere will be Judges of Fact to judge driving standards, compliance with correct route, wrong direction, hitting stage furniture, trespass etc. A list of Judge of Fact names will be displayed on the Rally Notice Board.
R40.1 To be classified as a finisher, a competitor must complete all the special stages, visit all the time controls within the maximum lateness, must supply a completed damage declaration, and must not have contravened any regulation for which the penalty is exclusion.
R31.2.5 R31.2.6 Lateness is penalty free, but the maximum lateness is 5 minutes.
R32.1.1 Competitors may be required to reduce lateness from service time.
Additionally. Any changes in the Final Instructions, or on any notice signed by the Clerk of the Course or his Deputy and displayed on the Official Notice Board or otherwise during the event, will have the same force as these Regulations.


23 Yellow Flag Procedure

On any special stage where extreme circumstances make it necessary to authorise the movement of non-competing or rescue vehicles before the stage is cleared of competing cars, a system of yellow flags will be utilised. The Flags will be located at strategic points including radio points and will only be displayed on the specific instruction of the Clerk of the Course or the Stage Commander and only when there is the situation of non-competing vehicles moving on stage ahead of competing cars. Yellow flags will be prominently displayed and held steady.
All personnel displaying a yellow flag will be wearing a marshal’s tabard. No other colour of flag will be deployed at any point along the special stage.
On passing a yellow flag, drivers must immediately and significantly reduce speed as well as being prepared so stop at any time. Drivers must not attempt to overtake any safety vehicle encountered on the stage, but should follow the instructions of Marshals and/or safety personnel while proceeding at reduced speed until they leave the stage. Failure to comply with this procedure could incur a penalty at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course.
Competitors who have been shown a yellow flag will be given a notional time for the stage.


24 Out of Bounds Areas

Some areas of the venue, are out of bounds to all persons who are not signed on officials. Any other persons found in these areas will cause the associated crew to be excluded from the event. Competitors and service crews must remain in the service area when not competing. Competitors may be penalised for the behaviour of associated persons. Judges of Fact will be on duty.


25 Video Cameras

As this is an active military base, any form of video recording is prohibited, including in-car.

26 Baulking

Baulking spoils rallies for competitors. If a faster car catches you, keep to the side on a wide section and allow room to pass. Do not weave in front of a car trying to overtake. You are reminded of R.2.6 “the Clerk of the Course may exclude any competitor proven to have unreasonably baulked another competitor”


27 Litter

Refuse sacks will be issued at documentation. Please put your rubbish in the sack and place it in a bin on site or take it home with you. Do not leave empty fuel containers or oil cans behind. Use a ground sheet when servicing and clean up spills of oil and other fluids. Competitors will be held responsible for the actions of service crews and others accompanying them to the event and may be penalised.


28 Service Area

There is a separate trailer park which must be used by all competitors. There will be allocated service bays for each crew, with space sufficient for the rally car plus one van or car.


29 Quad Bikes etc.

Quad bikes, mopeds, motorcycles, scooters, go-peds etc etc are forbidden in service areas (MSA guidelines) They MUST NOT be used to recce the stages. Competitors face penalties if they or any member of their crew disregards this instruction.


30 Refuelling

Refuelling must be carried as described in the final instructions.



There’s no event without marshals. We offer an attractive package for marshals, details will be published on


As this is an active military base no media are permitted. Drones will be shot at.


This is a no spectator event. Every person entering the venue will require ID and will either be attached to a competing car or a marshal.


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