2020 Annual General Meeting

2020 Annual General Meeting

The 2020 Annual General Meeting of Glenrothes Motor Sport Club Ltd shall take place on Tuesday 14th January, at the St Clair Tavern, St Clair St, Kirkcaldy, KY1 2QE, starting at 19:30. This will be followed by the January Ordinary General Meeting.
The minutes of the 2019 AGM are attached.
AGM Agenda:
* Apologies
* Minutes of Previous AGM
* President’s Report
* Treasurer’s Report
* Membership Secretary’s Report
* Election of Directors
(Incumbent: Ian Forgan, Gordon Milne, Robert Ness, John Rintoul)  
* Election of Committee
(Incumbent: Graeme Brown, Steve Brown, Alex Burns, Bill Creevy, Richard Crozier, Ian Forgan, George Hay, Bob Irvine, Alan Kirkaldy, Stuart Millar, Gordon Milne, Robert Ness, Matt Reid, John Rintoul, Kevin Thomson, Martin Watterston)
* Election of Office Bearers
– President (Incumbent: Ian Forgan)
– Vice President (Incumbent: Robert Ness)
– Treasurer (Incumbent: Gordon Milne)
– Secretary (Incumbent: Richard Crozier)
– Competition Secretary (Incumbent: Bob Irvine)
– Membership Secretary (Incumbent: Matt Reid)
– Chief Marshal (Incumbent: Stuart Millar)
– Safeguarding Officer (Incumbent: Bill Creevy)
– Media Officer (Incumbent: Eddie Kelly)
– Equipment Manager (Incumbent: Kevin Thomson)
– Social Event Convener (Incumbent: Alex Burns)
* Appointment of Auditors
(Incumbent: Paterson Boyd & Co. (Glenrothes))
* Resolutions
OGM Agenda:
* Autotests/SOLOs
* Other Events
* Summer Targa Rally @ TBC, TBC
Kingdom Stages Rally @ Crail, 7th November


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