2021 AGM Results

2021 AGM Results

Thanks to everyone that turned out for Tuesday’s 2021 AGM – a most productive evening. The outcomes of the night’s “elections” are:

**2021 Club Directors**
Ian Forgan, Gordon Milne, Robert Ness, John Rintoul

**2021 Club Officers**
President – Stuart Millar
Vice President – Martin Watterston
Treasurer – Gordon Milne
Secretary –
Competition Secretary – Bob Irvine
Membership Secretary – Matt Reid
Chief Marshal –
COVID-19 Officer – Colin Rodger
Safeguarding Officer – Bill Creevy
Media Officer / Social Media Officer – coaction
Equipment Manager – Kevin Thomson
Social Secretaries – Alex Burns, Bob Irvine

If you are interested in the positions of Secretary or Chief Marshal, please drop president@glenrothes-msc.com or m.watterston@glenrothes-msc.com a line for more info!

2020 has certainly been a challenging year, but the club has attempted to use the time wisely, to progress behind the scenes in a lot of areas. In additional to the recently-launched Scottish Single Venue Rally Championship, we hope to have more news and content to share with you soon!
In the meantime, stay safe, and we hope to see you at a motorsport event in the near future!


Membership of Glenrothes Motor Sport Club for 2024 is now available - for renewals and new members alike! A standard membership of just £12, or £2 for under 18s, gets you in on all our proposed 2024 event programme, and provides you access to a range of benefits, including:

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