Just a reminder that the AGM is the 8th Feb.

Please remember that to be able to vote you need to be a fully paid up member. A few of you have filled the form in but not made a payment to complete your membership. Any issues with this please let me know.

The login for the Agm will be sent out to club members tonight, so if you want to attend please complete the membership renewal form at the bottom of this page, if anyone doesn’t receive this email

The February Committee meeting will follow the AGM, club members who are not committee members are welcome to attend as guests.


* Apologies

* Minutes of Previous AGM

* President’s Report

* Treasurer’s Report

* Membership Secretary’s Report

* Election of Directors

(Incumbent: Ian Forgan, Gordon Milne, Robert Ness, John Rintoul)

* Election of Committee

(Incumbent: Peter Bissett, Steve Brown, Alex Burns, Bill Creevy, Richard Crozier, Ian Forgan, George Hay, Bob Irvine, Alan Kirkaldy, Stuart Millar, Gordon Milne, Robert Ness, Matt Reid, John Rintoul, Kevin Thomson, Martin Watterston, Don Whyatt) Neil Jeffray and Colin Rodger

* Election of Office Bearers

– President (Incumbent: Stuart Millar)

– Vice President (Incumbent: Martin Watterston)

– Treasurer (Incumbent: Gordon Milne)

– Secretary (Incumbent: Colin Rodger)

– Competition Secretary (Incumbent: Bob Irvine)

– Membership Secretary (Incumbent: Matt Reid)

– Chief Marshal (Incumbent: situation vacant)

– Safeguarding Officer (Incumbent: Bill Creevy)

– Media Officer (Incumbent: Eddie Kelly)

– Equipment Manager (Incumbent: Kevin Thomson)

– Social Event Convener (Incumbent: Alex Burns)

Matt Reid has intimated that he is stepping down from his role as membership secretary.

* Appointment of Auditors

(Incumbent: Paterson Boyd & Co. (Glenrothes)

* Resolutions


Written proposals and apologies by email to

Hope to see you there!

Regards, Colin


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